
© Riuni - Federico Morello - Via Caterina de Giusti 2m 33072 Casarsa della Delizia (PN) P.IVA 01809540931 - C.D. M5UXCR1 - pec@pec.riuni.com- Terms and conditions



Art. 1 - Object of the Contract
to. The present contract concerns the use of the application service called "Riuni".
b. The general conditions indicated below define and regulate the contractual relationship between Federico Morello (called Riuni), Via Caterina de Giusti 2M - San Giovanni di Casarsa - 33072 - PN - ITALY - 01809540931 - C.F. MRLFRC96L31I403I as owner of the site www.riuni .com as well as concessionaire / manager of the application service called "Riuni" and users (henceforth for brevity called "Customer").
c. The application system for smartphone mobile phones is based on software developed directly by Riuni.
d. The property is exclusive owner, on the national and international territory, of the "Riuni" service, of the logo, of the interactive functions, of the design, of the script and of the graphics.
is. The "Riuni" application service does not collect data on the Customer.
f. The Customer is deemed in any case to be solely responsible for the use of the "Riuni" application service.
g. The Customer must confirm, under full and exclusive personal responsibility, to be fully capable of understanding and willing.

Art. 2 - How to use the service
to. The Customer can access the "Riuni" application service without any type of registration.

The "Riuni" service allows the Customer through localization, NFC and notification to remind him of the umbrella thanks to a notification, to see weather and Customer position and his umbrella.
b. The Customer can not use the "Riuni" application / service for illegal or unauthorized purposes.
c. The customer is solely responsible for the position provided, it is not registered by the application.

d. The Customer can not in any way and for any reason decode, alter or modify the "Riuni" application service.
is. The conduct referred to in the previous points, even in terms of mere attempt, and those aimed at violating the rights of copyright, trademarks, and other intellectual property rights, or rights to the protection of personal data of third parties, are strictly prohibited and will constitute a serious breach of this contract.
f. Riuni reserves the right to suspend access to the service.

g. The Riuni application will use smartphone technology such as location, NFC, notifications and internet connection.

Art. 3 - Rights and duties of the Customer
to. In order to be able to access the "Riuni" service / application and to use it, the Customer / user is obliged to accept the present contractual conditions which will constitute a valid contract between the customer and Riuni.
b. In case of non-acceptance of the contractual conditions the Customer can not access and use the application service in question.
c. These conditions are understood to be accepted by the customer at the time of the download and installation of the application.
is. The Customer can not use the "Riuni" application / service for commercial, illegal and / or non-authorized purposes.

Art. 4 - Express termination clause
to. The breach of the obligations by the Customer or the commission of the conduct referred to in paragraph 3) of this contract will result in the termination of the right of this contract subject to the company to bring the Judicial Authority for damages.

Art. 5 - Duration of the contract

Art. 6 - Change of contractual conditions
to. Riuni will not notify the Customer if it intends to proceed with the modification of the conditions of this contract.
b. Riuni may amend these terms and conditions if (I) is necessary due to applicable law, including, by way of example, a change in this law;
(II) is necessary following a communication and / or an order based on the applicable law;
(III) the ratio of equivalence between the service and the fee is not proportionate;
(IV) is necessary for technical reasons;
(V) is necessary to ensure the operation of the services or conditions are changed for the benefit of the customer.

Art. 7 - Change of service functions.
to. Riuni is committed to keeping the "Riuni" application service active, error-free and secure.
b. However, Riuni does not guarantee the constant and regular operation of the service can decide the elimination of the application.
c. Riuni may make changes to the "Riuni" application services or delete features at any time without communication to the Customer.


Art. 8 - Applicable legislation
to. By accepting these terms and conditions, all users of the "Riuni" application on the international territory fully accept the applicable Italian legislation on the subject, including that on copyright.
b. This agreement is drawn up in Italian and will prevail, in case of conflict, on any previous versions and / or on other versions translated into foreign languages.

Art. 9 - Exclusive court
In the event of a dispute, in order to interpret and execute this contract, the Court of Pordenone will have exclusive jurisdiction over the Court of Pordenone and Italian legislation will be applied.

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